Shopping at your local nursery you are bound to find a good range of organic sprays made from plant derivatives. Making your own is also an option, however it could be time consuming and will have a shorter shelf-life span. It’simportant to remember that most organic sprays- with exception of neem seed oil kill or-repel by actual contact with insect or pests, so all parts of the plant, including the underside of the leaves. Plant derivative sprays fall into two categories: pesticides and anti-feedants. Pesticides kill the pest whilst anti-feedants repel. Some plant-based sprays fulfil more than one purpose-they act as both a pesticide and anti-feedant, but some cases may also be useful as a fungicide.
Below are a few DIY remedies you can use in your garden
Fatty Acids
Manufactured from biodegradable fatty acids, antural soaps and vegetable/coconut oils in the form of a soluble concentrate. They kill aphids, greenfly mealy bugs, mites thrips
Comes from Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium more commonly known as the silver leafed pyrethrum daisy which kills aphids, thrips, mites, caterpillars, other pests, and bees. Remember to only spray after SUNDOWN, so we don’t kill the bees. To make: spray, mix two teaspoons crushed flower heads, 2 l hot water and 30g soft soap, stand mix for 30min and strain and use.
Garlic spray
To make spray: mix 100g chopped garlic and 2 teaspoons mineral oil. Cover and soak for 48 hours. Add 30g pure soap and 2 cups water. Filter and use dilution rate of 15ml to 1l of water. Store in a non-metallic container in cool dark place.
Onion and garlic
Effective pesticide especially for aphids and caterpillars. Also acts as an anti-feedant and as a fungicide. To make; combine 4 large, chopped onions, 6 cloves of garlic and 1 tablespoon hot chilli powder. Cover with water and stand for 24 hours. Strain, mix 2 cups of pure soap flakes or grated soap in a little water (soap aids spread and adhesion) and add to the strained onionmixture. Dilute at 2 parts mixture to 5 parts water. Keep for two weeks in a dark place.
Neem seed oil insecticide
Oil from the nee tree, is the only broad-spectrum, plant-derived, systemic organic pesticide currently available. It contains a compound called azadirachtin, which prevents insects from moulting, causing death
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